20 years of IECS, looking to the future

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Twenty years is nothing, says the tango, but for the IECS these two decades have implied the accelerated transformation from an organization with dimensions and operating structure similar to those of a family business, to an institution that is increasingly modern, dynamic and professional. . And with the same vocation to grow as a human group and expand the impact of the initiatives that allow us to achieve the mission that we set out to do from the beginning: to improve global health, generating and promoting the application of the best scientific evidence. 

Some numbers or metrics show our trajectory, our reach and our growth. In these 20 years, we have carried out more than 700 projects in 40 countries; we publish more than 1.100 articles in journals indexed in Medline; we had more than 3.000 appearances in the media; Since 2007, we have sixfold increased the number of researchers who led projects and research; We teach the Master's Degree in Clinical Effectiveness at the Faculty of Medicine of the UBA with more than 720 graduates; we offered more than 50 training programs for almost 9.000 students from 20 countries; We had 61 research fellows from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Peru. Honduras, Spain, Nicaragua and Uruguay. 

In the last five years, which include those of the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff grew from 72 to 109 researchers, fellows, and support and administrative management personnel.  Two dozen people have worked at the IECS for more than 15 years, but that number represents only 17% of the total. Just over half have worked at the institution for five or fewer years.

We did a lot, all of us. But we are not resting on our laurels. To address the challenges associated with the growth of the IECS and better adapt to a changing environment, we modified the governance structure and decision-making process; and we encourage the transversal participation of all members through the formation of three committees: the Commission for Equal Rights, Diversity and Gender Equality (CIDDEG), the Innovation and Strategy Committee (CIE) and the brand new Talent Training and Development Committee (CCDT), which aligns with our commitment to allocate $200.000 toward that training goal in the coming years. 

We are proud of the path we have traveled. But we look to the future, redoubling our commitment to making a difference and contributing significantly to more effective, more efficient and more equitable health systems. We seek that what we have built so far is not the limit of what we can be, but rather that it is the solid foundation on which the IECS of the future can be based.

Here's to another 20 years and more!