Cintia Cejas
Cintia Cejas has a degree in Political Science from the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) and has a master's degree in Social Sciences and Health awarded by the Center for Studies of the State and Society (CEDES) and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). ) in Buenos Aires. She currently works as coordinator of the Center for Implementation and Innovation in Health Policies (CIIPS) of the IECS.
Cintia held the position of undersecretary of Public Health Coverage in the Ministry of Health of the Nation, where she stood out for leading the implementation of Universal Health Coverage at the national level between 2017 and 2019. In addition, she served as general coordinator of the National Protect Program in the same Ministry.
He has also provided advice on planning and project management to the Technical Medical Secretariat at the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners (INSSJP) and has been responsible for the technical assistance of the REDES Program at the Ministry of Health of the Nation. She has also played the role of project coordinator at the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC).
He received training grants on monitoring, evaluation and evidence-based policies (Alliance for Health Policy and Systems), results-based management (Inter-American Development Bank-IDB), Communication of research results for decision-making (Population Reference Bureau and Central American Population Center of the University of Costa Rica). She participated as a speaker in numerous national and international dissertations and published several working documents for the implementation of health policies.