Doctoral Scholarships: call from the CONICET-IECS Research Center in Epidemiology and Public Health

El Center for Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIESP), dual dependency executing unit (IECS-CONICET) calls for researchers who are interested in joining the institution's lines of work through doctoral scholarships or completion of the CONICET doctorate.

People who apply and are selected will be able to work in the following areas or lines of research:

  • Maternal, perinatal and child health
  • Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic conditions
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Systematic Reviews (SR) and/or health economic evaluations
  • Qualitative health research
  • Quality, patient safety and clinical management
  • Research for the implementation of health services, programs and policies

These scholarships are intended for applicants who have graduated or who have completed up to 4 subjects in their undergraduate degree at the time of applying, in order to pursue a doctorate in Argentina. Also to applicants who are in the process of finishing their doctorate and do not have a CONICET Doctoral Scholarship.

Applications can be made from 22 from July to August 16.

Interested persons should contact the email with the subject “CONICET Scholarship” and their name.

For more information about these scholarships, visit this article.

To learn more about the lines of research of the IECS, enter the web page