The HTAI 2025 Annual Meeting will be held in Buenos Aires with IECS as the organizational support institution.

Argentina is preparing to host, for the first time, the prestigious HTAI Annual Meeting in 2025, which will be held from June 14 to 18 in the city of Buenos Aires. The Institute for Clinical and Health Effectiveness (IECS) has been selected as the local support organization, reaffirming its leadership in the evaluation of health technologies at a regional level.

This prestigious event will be a meeting point to discuss health technology assessment under the central theme: “NextGen Evidence: Diversifying and Advancing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to Meet Global Demands.”

In a context where the demand for evidence in health is becoming increasingly complex and diversified, the Annual Meeting 2025 will explore how next-generation (NextGen) evidence is transforming the assessment of health technologies. 

New data sources will be addressed, from wearable devices to environmental trends, as well as advanced artificial intelligence tools that are reshaping the future of HTA worldwide.

The annual meeting is aimed at sectors interested in the evaluation of health technologies (industry, researchers, agencies, regulators, etc.)

As part of the event planning, a webinar in Spanish was held on Wednesday, September 11, where details were provided on the process of presenting papers, the structuring of proposals, and the thematic areas to be considered for participation in AM 2025.
Access the video of the webinar How to participate in the HTAi 2025 World Congress in Buenos Aires? from this article

Submission of abstracts and application for scholarships

From the event organizers, prizes will be awarded scholarships to people interested in health technology assessment who might otherwise not be able to attend the HTAi annual meeting. They provide a valuable opportunity to present their work and network with the global HTAi community.

Key dates:
- 25th September 2024: Participation grant applications are now open.
- December 5th 2024: Closing date for applications for participation grants.
- February 4th 2025: Notifications of acceptance of participation grants are distributed

More information about eligibility and the application process from this article

Participation in panels, workshops, oral presentations and posters:

Key dates:
- 28th October 2024: Closing of registrations for Workshops and Panels
- November 25th 2024: Acceptance notifications for Workshops and Panels
- December 5th 2024: Closing of registrations for oral and poster presentations
- January 30, 2025: Oral and Poster Acceptance Notifications

More information about the application from this article