Impact of socioeconomic determinants and geographic migration on the continuum of care of cancer patients in Argentina

2018 – 2020

    • Projects, Chronic Cancer Projects, Projects of the Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular Health for the Southern Cone (CESCAS), Chronic Diseases Projects
    • Concluded

Period: 2018 – 2020

Financier: National Cancer Institute, Ministry of Health of the Nation

Participating Institutions: IECS

Researchers: Vilma Irazola, Carolina Prado, Santiago Melendi, Laura Gutierrez


Within the framework of the call for financial assistance for national cancer research projects provided by the National Cancer Institute, the IECS is carrying out a study whose objective is to analyze the impact of socioeconomic determinants and migratory flows on the times of diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities, and in the survival of patients with breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate and lung cancer.

The study includes three stages, firstly an analysis of the database of the Institutional Tumor Registry of Argentina (RITA) will be carried out. Secondly, the characterization and georeferencing of the migratory profile of the patients will be carried out to analyze the impact of migratory flows on the times of access to the health system, diagnosis and treatment, and its relationship with survival, for the selected tumor sites. . And finally, we will seek to determine inequity gaps and bottlenecks in the continuum of patient care, and identify implementation strategies aimed at improving the quality of care and reducing mortality from breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate and cancer. lung in Argentina.