Discover TeamSTEPPS

Enhancing Attention with Teamwork

TeamSTEPPS is a tried patient care optimization system, backed by evidence and designed to strengthen the communication y team skills between the healthcare professionalsIncluding administrative staff.


The commitment to improve collaboration in the health team

We have trained health personnel from Latin America and have experience implementing the model's tools in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay.

IECS: Quality training to improve patient care

At IECS, we are facilitators of TeamSTEPPS courses in Spanish for all of Latin America. The program aims to improve communication, mutual support, situational alertness and leadership. He Dr. Ezequiel García Elorrio, Director of the Department of Quality, Patient Safety and Clinical Management, and the Dr. Viviana Rodríguez, Area Coordinator, are Master Trainers certified by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), guaranteeing quality training.

Learn more about our continuing training programs.