European Oncology Next-Generation Sequencing/Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Value Framework Project

Value frameworks (VF) provide transparent and explicit criteria for decision-making, reflecting the preferences and values of various stakeholders. In 2020, IECS developed a Diagnostic Technology Value Framework tailored to diagnostic test technologies for Latin American decision-makers.

Value Frameworks (VF)

Next-Generation Sequencing/Comprehensive Genomic Profiling (NGS/CGP) are high-throughput sequencing technologies increasingly utilized by oncologists for rapid DNA and RNA analysis. These technologies represent a novel approach to cancer care, offering potential molecular profiling of tumors to guide therapeutic choices. 

Healthcare Budget

As the number of new cancer cases in European countries is projected to increase by over 20% between 2020 and 2040, placing added strain on healthcare budgets, it’s essential to make evidence-based resource allocation. 


The aim of this project is to adapt the Latin American diagnostic value framework to the European context, with emphasis on the particular subset of diagnostic genetic testing (NGS/CGP) in oncology.

Collaborative Work

This project is a collaborative effort between researchers in the Medical Technology Research Group (MTRG) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS) in Argentina, overseen by a diverse multistakeholder steering committee. Funding was received through an unrestricted educational grant from the Precision Cancer Consortium


The study, carried out between September 2022 – August 2023, consisted of mixed-methodology approach. This included a systematic review and a four-round Delphi exercise. The study was divided into three main stages:


Systematic review and participant identification: 

This initial phase consisted a systematic review to generate an initial value framework to present to participants and participant identification for the Steering committee and Delphi exercise.


 Qualitative Delphi round one and framework adaptation:

In this stage, qualitative feedback was collected on the initial framework in Delphi round one and a thematic analysis was completed effectively adapt the framework including all participant proposed themes


Framework validation in Delphi rounds 2-4:

The adapted framework then underwent validation through Delphi rounds two-four. In these rounds, participants were asked to rate each individual value indicator on an ‘importance’ 5-point Likert scale

After the research and development phase of the new value framework, the project includes a 6-month dissemination stage. This will be carried out through presenting the results at conferences, peer-reviewed journal publications, infographic materials, and social media posts.

Key Findings

We will be updating this page as more outputs become available. We hope to publish a new peer-review paper on Value Framework Development in the coming months.


  • Federico Augustovski
  • Andrea Alcaraz
  • Carla Colaci
  • Fernando Javier Argento
  • Veronica Alfie
  • Andrés Pichon-Riviere.
  • Panos Kanavos
  • Mackenzie Mills
  • Danitza Chavez
  • Madeleine Haig
  • Caitlin Main
Multistakeholder steering committee:
  • Panos Kanavos – London School of Economics
  • Federico Augustovski – Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
  • Jean Mossman – Patient advocacy (former Chief executive of CancerBACUP)
  • Mark Lawler – Translational Cancer Genomics / Queen´s University Belfast
  • Michael Drummond – Professor of Health Economics / University of York
  • Nicola Normanno – Italian Cancer Society
  • Laura Sampietro-Colom – Health Technology Assessment / Hospital Clinic Barcelona
  • Albrecht Stenzinger – Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
  • Benjamin Horbach (Global Leader, Market Access, Roche, representing PCC)

IECS: Federico Augustovski.
LSE. TBD: Panos Kanavos