Adherence to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer therapeutic algorithm for hepatocellular carcinoma in the daily practice: a multicenter cohort study from Argentina

F. Piñero,S. Marciano,N. Fernández,J. Silva,Y. Zambelo,M. Cobos,A. Zerega,E. Ridruejo,C. Miguez,B. Ameigeiras,C. D’Amico,L. Gaite,M. Coronel,C. Bermúdez,C. Rosales,G. Romero,L. McCormack,V. Reggiardo,L. Colombato,A. Gadano,F. Rubinstein and M. Silva. Adherence to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer therapeutic algorithm for hepatocellular carcinoma in the daily practice: a multicenter cohort study from Argentina. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018;30(4):10.1097/meg.0000000000001049.