Comparison of self-reported and directly measured weight and height among women of reproductive age: a systematic review and meta-analysis

M. Seijo,N. Minckas,G. Cormick,D. Comandé,A. Ciapponi and J. M. BelizÁn. Comparison of self-reported and directly measured weight and height among women of reproductive age: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2018;97(4):10.1111/aogs.13326.

Comparison of self-reported and directly measured weight and height among women of reproductive age: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ver más »

 The relationship between household income and patient-reported symptom distress and quality of life in children with advanced cancer: A report from the PediQUEST study. 

M. F. Ilowite,H. Al-Sayegh,C. Ma,V. Dussel,A. R. Rosenberg,C. Feudtner,T. I. Kang,J. Wolfe and K. Bona. The relationship between household income and patient-reported symptom distress and quality of life in children with advanced cancer: A report from the PediQUEST study. Cancer. 2018;124(19):10.1002/cncr.31668.

 The relationship between household income and patient-reported symptom distress and quality of life in children with advanced cancer: A report from the PediQUEST study.  Ver más »

Carga de enfermedad atribuible al uso del tabaco en Paraguay y potencial impacto sanitario y económico del aumento del precio a través de impuestos.

Bardach A, Cañete F, Sequera VG, Palacios A, Alcaraz A, Rodríguez B, et al. Carga de enfermedad atribuible al uso del tabaco en Paraguay y potencial impacto sanitario y económico del aumento del precio a través de impuestos. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2018;35(4):599-609. doi: 10.17843/rpmesp.2018.354.3708

Carga de enfermedad atribuible al uso del tabaco en Paraguay y potencial impacto sanitario y económico del aumento del precio a través de impuestos. Ver más »

Fathers for the first time: validation of a questionnaire to asses father experiences of first childbirth in Latin America”

L. Molina-Velásquez,J. M. Belizán,C. Pérez-Villalobos and Y. Contreras-García. Fathers for the first time: Validation of a questionnaire to asses father experiences of first childbirth in Latin America. Midwifery. 2018;67:10.1016/j.midw.2018.09.002.

Fathers for the first time: validation of a questionnaire to asses father experiences of first childbirth in Latin America” Ver más »

Mortality in children in the community associated with acute respiratory infections

Caballero MT, Bianchi AM, Nuño A, Ferretti AJP, Polack LM, Remondino I, Rodriguez MG, Orizzonte L, Vallone F, Bergel E, Polack FP. Mortality Associated With Acute Respiratory Infections Among Children at Home. J Infect Dis. 2019 Jan 9;219(3):358-364. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy517. PMID: 30165655; PMCID: PMC6325348.

Mortality in children in the community associated with acute respiratory infections Ver más »

Odon device for instrumental vaginal deliveries: results of a medical device pilot clinical study

J. A. Schvartzman,H. Krupitzki,M. Merialdi,A. P. Betrán,J. Requejo,M. H. Nguyen,E. Vayena,A. E. Fiorillo,E. C. Gadow,F. M. Vizcaino,F. von Petery,V. Marroquin,M. L. Cafferata,A. Mazzoni,V. Vannevel,R. C. Pattinson,A. M. Gülmezoglu,F. Althabe and M. Bonet. Odon device for instrumental vaginal deliveries: results of a medical device pilot clinical study. Reprod Health. 2018;15(1):10.1186/s12978-018-0485-8.

Odon device for instrumental vaginal deliveries: results of a medical device pilot clinical study Ver más »

Real World Evidence: Treatment of Patients with NonMetastatic Colon Cancer in a Community Hospital in Argentina: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Straminsky S, Itkin B1, De Ronato G, Bibbó F, Lewi D, Garcia G and Bardach A. Open Access Journal of Cancer & Oncology. Volume 2 Issue 4, 2018.

Real World Evidence: Treatment of Patients with NonMetastatic Colon Cancer in a Community Hospital in Argentina: A Retrospective Cohort Study Ver más »

Improving the quality of maternity services in Nepal through accelerated implementation of essential interventions by healthcare professional associations

C. Spira,R. Dhital,S. Jacob,G. Dangal,G. Gurung,L. Prasad Shrestha,K. Prasad Bista,K. Bajracharya,L. Bajrachayra,G. Baral,N. Maiya Kaway,H. Rushawn,P. Cooper,F. Day-Stirk,M. Berrueta,L. Gibbons,E. García-Elorrio and J. M. Belizán. Improving the quality of maternity services in Nepal through accelerated implementation of essential interventions by healthcare professional associations. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2018;143(3):10.1002/ijgo.12678.

Improving the quality of maternity services in Nepal through accelerated implementation of essential interventions by healthcare professional associations Ver más »