Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias

LI-RADS 4 or 5 categorization may not be clinically relevant for decision-making processes: A prospective cohort study

F. Piñero,M. A. Thompson,F. Diaz Telli,J. Trentacoste,C. Padín,M. Mendizabal,C. Colaci,A. Gonzalez Campaña,J. Pages,S. Montal,M. Barreiro,M. Fauda,G. Podestá,J. P. Perotti and M. Silva. LI-RADS 4 or 5 categorization may not be clinically relevant for decision-making processes: A prospective cohort study. Ann Hepatol. 2020;19(6):10.1016/j.aohep.2020.06.007.

LI-RADS 4 or 5 categorization may not be clinically relevant for decision-making processes: A prospective cohort study Ver más »

Late myocardial reperfusion in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

R. Vargas-Fernández,M. Chacón-Diaz,G. W. Basualdo-Meléndez,F. A. Barón-Lozada,F. J. Visconti-Lopez,D. Comandé and A. Hernández-Vásquez. Late myocardial reperfusion in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2022;12(9):10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059610.

Late myocardial reperfusion in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Ver más »

Is anemia a public health problem among children under five years ago in Peru? Findings from a national healthcare administrative database (2012 and 2016) using Geographic Information Systems

A. Hernandez-Vasquez,M. Penares-Penaloza,A. Rebatta-Acuna,C. Carrasco-Farfan,C. Bordon-Lujan,M. Santero and G. Bendezu-Quispe. Is anemia a public health problem among children under five years ago in Peru? Findings from a national healthcare administrative database (2012 and 2016) using Geographic Information Systems. Revista Chilena De Nutricion. 2019;46(6):10.4067/s0717-75182019000600718.

Is anemia a public health problem among children under five years ago in Peru? Findings from a national healthcare administrative database (2012 and 2016) using Geographic Information Systems Ver más »

Introducing the New Value in Health Regional Issues Journal: The Latin America Region Edition

F. Augustovski,J. Jaime Caro,V. Zárate Barahona and M. B. Ferraz. Introducing the New Value in Health Regional Issues Journal: The Latin America Region Edition. Value Health Reg Issues. 2014;5:10.1016/j.vhri.2013.01.008.

Introducing the New Value in Health Regional Issues Journal: The Latin America Region Edition Ver más »

Intimate Partner Violence Among Women of Reproductive Age in Nicaragua: Results From a Nationwide Survey

A. Hernández-Vásquez,T. Chévez-Ramírez and C. Rojas-Roque. Intimate Partner Violence Among Women of Reproductive Age in Nicaragua: Results From a Nationwide Survey. J Interpers Violence. 2020:10.1177/0886260520967145.

Intimate Partner Violence Among Women of Reproductive Age in Nicaragua: Results From a Nationwide Survey Ver más »

Interventions to Improve the Oral Hygiene of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review

A. Hernández-Vásquez,A. Barrenechea-Pulache,R. Aguirre-Ipenza,D. Comandé and D. Azañedo. Interventions to Improve the Oral Hygiene of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review. Dentistry Journal. 2022;10(5).

Interventions to Improve the Oral Hygiene of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review Ver más »

Intervenciones en ámbito laboral para incrementar el rastreo de cáncer colorrectal: Evaluacion de tecnología sanitaria

L. González,A. Pichón-Riviere,J. Roberti,S. Virgilio,J. P. Alonso and A. Bardach. Intervenciones en ámbito laboral para incrementar el rastreo de cáncer colorrectal: Evaluacion de tecnología sanitaria. Revista Argentina de Salud Pública. 2021;13.

Intervenciones en ámbito laboral para incrementar el rastreo de cáncer colorrectal: Evaluacion de tecnología sanitaria Ver más »

Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study

F. Rubinstein,P. Micone,A. Bonotti,V. Wainer,A. Schwarcz,F. Augustovski,A. Pichon Riviere and A. Karolinski. Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study. Bmj. 2013;346:10.1136/bmj.f393.

Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study Ver más »

Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018

A. Hernández-Vasquéz,C. Rojas-Roque,D. Marques Sales,M. Santero,G. Bendezu-Quispe,T. Barrientos-Gutiérrez and J. J. Miranda. Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018. Int J Equity Health. 2021;20(1):10.1186/s12939-021-01466-7.

Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018 Ver más »