Dexamethasone vs. betamethasone for preterm birth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis,

A. Ciapponi,K. Klein,D. Colaci,F. Althabe,J. M. Belizán,A. Deegan,A. A. Veroniki and I. D. Florez. Dexamethasone versus betamethasone for preterm birth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2021;3(3):10.1016/j.ajogmf.2021.100312.

Dexamethasone vs. betamethasone for preterm birth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis, Ver más »

Impacto de la fortificación de harina con calcio en la ingesta de calcio: un estudio de simulación en siete países.

Cormick, G., Betran, A.P., Romero, I.B., García-Casal, M.N., Perez, S.M., Gibbons, L. and Belizán, J.M. (2021), Impact of flour fortification with calcium on calcium intake: a simulation study in seven countries. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1493: 59-74. https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.14550

Impacto de la fortificación de harina con calcio en la ingesta de calcio: un estudio de simulación en siete países. Ver más »

Fasibilidad de llevar a cabo una evaluación de los beneficios y riesgos de la Sección de Cesárea Planificada Versus Vaginal: Un estudio cruzado.

Amyx, M.M., Althabe, F., Rivo, J. et al. Feasibility of Conducting a Trial Assessing Benefits and Risks of Planned Caesarean Section Versus Planned Vaginal Birth: A Cross-Sectional Study. Matern Child Health J 25, 136–150 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-020-03073-4

Fasibilidad de llevar a cabo una evaluación de los beneficios y riesgos de la Sección de Cesárea Planificada Versus Vaginal: Un estudio cruzado. Ver más »

Effect of Calcium Fortified Foods on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

G. Cormick,A. P. Betran,I. B. Romero,M. S. Cormick,J. M. Belizán,A. Bardach and A. Ciapponi. Effect of Calcium Fortified Foods on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):10.3390/nu13020316.

Effect of Calcium Fortified Foods on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ver más »

Adherence to Drinking Guidelines and Reasons for Alcohol Consumption Cessation in the Southern Cone of Latin America – Findings from the CESCAS Study

I. A. T. van de Luitgaarden,P. E. Gulayin,L. Gutierrez,M. Calandrelli,N. Mores,J. Ponzo,F. Lanas,I. C. Schrieks,D. E. Grobbee,J. W. J. Beulens and V. Irazola. Adherence to Drinking Guidelines and Reasons for Alcohol Consumption Cessation in the Southern Cone of Latin America – Findings from the CESCAS Study. Glob Heart. 2021;16(1):10.5334/gh.840.

Adherence to Drinking Guidelines and Reasons for Alcohol Consumption Cessation in the Southern Cone of Latin America – Findings from the CESCAS Study Ver más »

Urban Retail Food Environments: Relative Availability and Prominence of Exhibition of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods at Supermarkets in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

N. Elorriaga,D. L. Moyano,M. V. López,A. S. Cavallo,L. Gutierrez,C. B. Panaggio and V. Irazola. Urban Retail Food Environments: Relative Availability and Prominence of Exhibition of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods at Supermarkets in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(3):10.3390/ijerph18030944.

Urban Retail Food Environments: Relative Availability and Prominence of Exhibition of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods at Supermarkets in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ver más »

Early High-Titer Plasma Therapy to Prevent Severe Covid-19 in Older Adults

R. Libster,G. Pérez Marc,D. Wappner,S. Coviello,A. Bianchi,V. Braem,I. Esteban,M. T. Caballero,C. Wood,M. Berrueta,A. Rondan,G. Lescano,P. Cruz,Y. Ritou,V. Fernández Viña,D. Álvarez Paggi,S. Esperante,A. Ferreti,G. Ofman,Á. Ciganda,R. Rodriguez,J. Lantos,R. Valentini,N. Itcovici,A. Hintze,M. L. Oyarvide,C. Etchegaray,A. Neira,I. Name,J. Alfonso,R. López Castelo,G. Caruso,S. Rapelius,F. Alvez,F. Etchenique,F. Dimase,D. Alvarez,S. S. Aranda,C. Sánchez Yanotti,J. De Luca,S. Jares Baglivo,S. Laudanno,F. Nowogrodzki,R. Larrea,M.

Early High-Titer Plasma Therapy to Prevent Severe Covid-19 in Older Adults Ver más »

Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of the World Health Organization Labour Care Guide: A mixed‐methods, multicountry evaluation

Vogel JP, Comrie-Thomson L, Pingray V, et al. Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of the World Health Organization Labour Care Guide: A mixed-methods, multicountry evaluation. Birth. 2021; 48: 66–75. https://doi.org/10.1111/birt.12511

Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of the World Health Organization Labour Care Guide: A mixed‐methods, multicountry evaluation Ver más »