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The Cost-Effectiveness of NCDs and Their Risk Factors in the PAHO Region: A Systematic Review of Literature

Watkins D, Poggio R, Augustovski F, Rubinstein A et al. The Cost-Effectiveness of NCDs and Their Risk Factors in the PAHO Region: A Systematic Review of Literature. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 3rd Edition Working Paper #13, August 2015.

The Cost-Effectiveness of NCDs and Their Risk Factors in the PAHO Region: A Systematic Review of Literature Ver más »

Eliminating artificial trans fatty acids in Argentina: estimated effects on the burden of coronary heart disease and costs

A. Rubinstein,N. Elorriaga,O. U. Garay,R. Poggio,J. Caporale,M. G. Matta,F. Augustovski,A. Pichon-Riviere and D. Mozaffarian. Eliminating artificial trans fatty acids in Argentina: estimated effects on the burden of coronary heart disease and costs. Bull World Health Organ. 2015;93(9):10.2471/blt.14.150516.

Eliminating artificial trans fatty acids in Argentina: estimated effects on the burden of coronary heart disease and costs Ver más »

Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: findings from a global implementation research programme

D. Peiris,S. R. Thompson,A. Beratarrechea,M. K. Cárdenas,F. Diez-Canseco,J. Goudge,J. Gyamfi,J. H. Kamano,V. Irazola,C. Johnson,A. P. Kengne,N. K. Keat,J. J. Miranda,S. Mohan,B. Mukasa,E. Ng,R. Nieuwlaat,O. Ogedegbe,B. Ovbiagele,J. Plange-Rhule,D. Praveen,A. Salam,M. Thorogood,A. G. Thrift,R. Vedanthan,S. P. Waddy,J. Webster,R. Webster,K. Yeates and K. Yusoff. Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: findings from a global implementation

Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: findings from a global implementation research programme Ver más »

Effectiveness of an mHealth intervention to improve the cardiometabolic profile of people with prehypertension in low-resource urban settings in Latin America: a randomised controlled trial

A. Rubinstein,J. J. Miranda,A. Beratarrechea,F. Diez-Canseco,R. Kanter,L. Gutierrez,A. Bernabe-Ortiz,V. Irazola,A. Fernandez,P. Letona,H. Martinez,M. Ramirez-Zea and G. Grp. Effectiveness of an mHealth intervention to improve the cardiometabolic profile of people with prehypertension in low-resource urban settings in Latin America: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2016;4(1):10.1016/s2213-8587(15)00381-2.

Effectiveness of an mHealth intervention to improve the cardiometabolic profile of people with prehypertension in low-resource urban settings in Latin America: a randomised controlled trial Ver más »

Lower tract respiratory infection in children younger than 5 years of age and adverse pregnancy outcomes related to household air pollution in Bariloche (Argentina) and Temuco (Chile)

L. Rey-Ares,V. Irazola,F. Althabe,E. Sobrino,A. Mazzoni,P. Seron,F. Lanas,M. Calandreli and A. Rubinstein. Lower tract respiratory infection in children younger than 5years of age and adverse pregnancy outcomes related to household air pollution in Bariloche (Argentina) and Temuco (Chile). Indoor Air. 2016;26(6):10.1111/ina.12274.

Lower tract respiratory infection in children younger than 5 years of age and adverse pregnancy outcomes related to household air pollution in Bariloche (Argentina) and Temuco (Chile) Ver más »

Aceptabilidad de una intervención basada en salud móvil para modificar estilos de vida en prehipertensos de Argentina, Guatemala y Perú: un estudio piloto

Andrea Beratarrechea, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Ariel Fernández, Rebeca Kanter, Paola Letona, Homero Martinez, J. Jaime Miranda, Manuel Ramirez-Zea, Adolfo Rubinstein. Aceptabilidad de una intervención basada en salud móvil para modificar estilos de vida en prehipertensos de Argentina, Guatemala y Perú: un estudio piloto. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 2015;32(2):221-9,

Aceptabilidad de una intervención basada en salud móvil para modificar estilos de vida en prehipertensos de Argentina, Guatemala y Perú: un estudio piloto Ver más »

Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants

A. Rubinstein and N. R. F. C. (NCD-RisC). Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331,288 participants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015;3(8):10.1016/s2213-8587(15)00129-1.

Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants Ver más »

Food composition data in Argentina: A systematic review of the literature

María D. Defagó, Ariel E. Bardach, Lorena Y. Levy, Vilma E. Irazola, Daniel Comandé, Adolfo L. Rubinstein, Giselle Balaciano, María C. Nessier, Natalia Elorriaga. Food composition data in Argentina: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. Volumen 43, November 2015, Pages 39-48

Food composition data in Argentina: A systematic review of the literature Ver más »

Challenges and opportunities for implementation of interventions to prevent and control CVD in low-resource settings: a report from CESCAS in Argentina

Rubinstein AL, Irazola VE, Poggio R, Gulayin P, Nejamis A, Beratarrechea A. Glob Heart. 2015 Mar;10(1):21-9. doi: 10.1016/j.gheart.2014.12.011.

Challenges and opportunities for implementation of interventions to prevent and control CVD in low-resource settings: a report from CESCAS in Argentina Ver más »