Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias

Establishing research priorities for chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes in Central America Determinação de prioridades em pesquisa da doença renal crônica associada a causas não tradicionais na América Central

L. Reveiz,C. Pinzón-Flórez,D. Glujovsky,V. Elias and P. Ordunez. [Establishing research priorities for chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes in Central AmericaDeterminação de prioridades em pesquisa da doença renal crônica associada a causas não tradicionais na América Central]. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:10.26633/rpsp.2018.13.

Establishing research priorities for chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes in Central America Determinação de prioridades em pesquisa da doença renal crônica associada a causas não tradicionais na América Central Ver más »

Emigrate or not? How would the next Spanish generation of physicians decide? A study on emigration-related reasons and motivations of advanced medical students in 11 Universities in Spain

D. Bernardini-Zambrini,N. Barengo,A. Bardach,M. Hanna and J. M. Núñez. [Emigrate or not? How would the next Spanish generation of physicians decide? A study on emigration-related reasons and motivations of advanced medical students in 11 Universities in Spain]. Aten Primaria. 2011;43(5):10.1016/j.aprim.2010.01.017.

Emigrate or not? How would the next Spanish generation of physicians decide? A study on emigration-related reasons and motivations of advanced medical students in 11 Universities in Spain Ver más »

Cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent vaccine against human papilloma virus in Argentina based on a dynamic transmission model

A. Pichon-Riviere,A. Alcaraz,J. Caporale,A. Bardach,L. Rey-Ares,K. Klein,M. Calderón,F. Augustovski and S. Tatti. [Cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent vaccine against human papilloma virus in Argentina based on a dynamic transmission model]. Salud Publica Mex. 2015;57(6).

Cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent vaccine against human papilloma virus in Argentina based on a dynamic transmission model Ver más »

Changes in the prevalence of hypertension in Peru using the new guideline of the American College of Cardiology

A. Hernández-Vásquez,C. Rojas-Roque,M. Santero,J. C. Ruiz-Maza,M. Casas-Bendezú and J. J. Miranda. [Changes in the prevalence of hypertension in Peru using the new guideline of the American College of Cardiology]. Rev Med Chil. 2019;147(5):10.4067/s0034-98872019000500545.

Changes in the prevalence of hypertension in Peru using the new guideline of the American College of Cardiology Ver más »

Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru

A. E. Bardach,J. E. Caporale,A. Alcaraz,F. Augustovski,L. Huayanay-Falconí,C. Loza-Munarriz,A. Hernández-Vásquez and A. Pichon-Riviere. [Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru]. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2016;33(4):10.17843/rpmesp.2016.334.2548.

Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru Ver más »

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Paraguay, and potential health and financial impact of increasing prices through taxing

A. Bardach,F. Cañete,V. G. Sequera,A. Palacios,A. Alcaraz,B. Rodríguez,J. Caporale,F. Augustovski and A. Pichon-Riviere. [Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Paraguay, and potential health and financial impact of increasing prices through taxing]. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2018;35(4):10.17843/rpmesp.2018.354.3708.

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Paraguay, and potential health and financial impact of increasing prices through taxing Ver más »

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes

A. Alcaraz,J. Caporale,A. Bardach,F. Augustovski and A. Pichon-Riviere. [Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes]. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2016;40(4).

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes Ver más »