Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias

¿Migrar o no migrar? ¿Qué pasará con nuestra próxima generación de médicos? Estudio sobre causas y motivos en estudiantes avanzados de medicina en 11 universidades de España

Bernardini-Zambrini D, Barengo N, Bardach A, Hanna M, Nunez JM. [Emigrate or not? How would the next Spanish generation of physicians decide? A study on emigration-related reasons and motivations of advanced medical students in 11 Universities in Spain]. Aten Primaria. 2011;43(5):222-226.

¿Migrar o no migrar? ¿Qué pasará con nuestra próxima generación de médicos? Estudio sobre causas y motivos en estudiantes avanzados de medicina en 11 universidades de España Ver más »

SUPPORT tools for evidence-informed policymaking in health 11: Finding and using evidence about local conditions

Lewin S, Oxman AD, Lavis JN, Fretheim A, Garcia Marti S, Munabi-Babigumira S. SUPPORT tools for evidence-informed policymaking in health 11: Finding and using evidence about local conditions. Health Res Policy Syst. 2009;7 Suppl 1:S11.

SUPPORT tools for evidence-informed policymaking in health 11: Finding and using evidence about local conditions Ver más »

Barriers to generalizability of health economic evaluations in Latin America and the Caribbean region

Augustovski F, Iglesias C, Manca A, Drummond M, Rubinstein A, Marti SG. Barriers to generalizability of health economic evaluations in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Pharmacoeconomics. 2009;27(11):919-929.

Barriers to generalizability of health economic evaluations in Latin America and the Caribbean region Ver más »

Good research practices for measuring drug costs in cost-effectiveness analyses: an international perspective: the ISPOR Drug Cost Task Force report–Part VI

L. Z. Shi,M. Hodges,M. Drummond,J. Ahn,S. C. Li,S. L. Hu,F. Augustovski,J. W. Hay and J. Smeeding. Good Research Practices for Measuring Drug Costs in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses: An International Perspective: The ISPOR Drug Cost Task Force Report-Part VI. Value in Health. 2010;13(1):10.1111/j.1524-4733.2009.00662.x.

Good research practices for measuring drug costs in cost-effectiveness analyses: an international perspective: the ISPOR Drug Cost Task Force report–Part VI Ver más »

Development and implementation of health technology assessment in Argentina: two steps forward and one step back

Rubinstein A, Pichon-Riviere A, Augustovski F. Development and implementation of health technology assessment in Argentina: two steps forward and one step back. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2009;25 Suppl 1:260-269.

Development and implementation of health technology assessment in Argentina: two steps forward and one step back Ver más »

Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis of a package of interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rubinstein A, Garcia Marti S, Souto A, Ferrante D, Augustovski F. Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis of a package of interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2009;7:10.

Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis of a package of interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease in Buenos Aires, Argentina Ver más »