Investigación Cualitativa en Salud

Inequalities in health system coverage and quality: a cross-sectional survey of four Latin American countries

Roberti J, Leslie HH, Doubova SV, Ranilla JM, Mazzoni A, Espinoza L, et al. Inequalities in health system coverage and quality: a cross-sectional survey of four Latin American countries. Lancet Glob Health. 2024;12(1):e145-e55.

Inequalities in health system coverage and quality: a cross-sectional survey of four Latin American countries Ver más »

Development of a core outcome set for maternal and perinatal health research and surveillance in light of emerging and ongoing epidemic threats

Pingray V, Klein K, Alonso J, Belizan M, Radice G, Babinska M, et al. Development of a core outcome set for maternal and perinatal health research and surveillance in light of emerging and ongoing epidemic threats [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Gates Open Research. 2024;8(24).

Development of a core outcome set for maternal and perinatal health research and surveillance in light of emerging and ongoing epidemic threats Ver más »

A multifaceted intervention to improve syphilis screening and treatment in pregnant women in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Lusaka, Zambia: a cluster randomised controlled trial

F. Althabe,E. Chomba,A. K. Tshefu,E. Banda,M. Belizán,E. Bergel,M. Berrueta,J. Bertrand,C. Bose,M. L. Cafferata,W. A. Carlo,A. Ciganda,F. Donnay,E. García Elorrio,L. Gibbons,K. Klein,J. Liljestrand,P. D. Lusamba,A. K. Mavila,A. Mazzoni,D. M. Nkamba,F. H. Mwanakalanga,A. Mwapule Tembo,M. Mwenechanya,L. Pyne-Mercier,C. Spira,J. D. Wetshikoy,X. Xiong and P. Buekens. A multifaceted intervention to improve syphilis screening and treatment in pregnant women in

A multifaceted intervention to improve syphilis screening and treatment in pregnant women in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Lusaka, Zambia: a cluster randomised controlled trial Ver más »

Design and feasibility of an implementation strategy to address Chagas guidelines engagement focused on attending women of childbearing age and children at the primary healthcare level in Argentina: a pilot study

K. Klein,J. Roberti,M. Rouvier,M. Belizan,M. L. Cafferata,A. M. Berrueta and J. P. Alonso. Design and feasibility of an implementation strategy to address Chagas guidelines engagement focused on attending women of childbearing age and children at the primary healthcare level in Argentina: a pilot study. BMC Primary Care. 2022;23(1):10.1186/s12875-022-01886-6.

Design and feasibility of an implementation strategy to address Chagas guidelines engagement focused on attending women of childbearing age and children at the primary healthcare level in Argentina: a pilot study Ver más »

Promoting immunization equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case studies, lessons learned, and their implication for COVID-19 vaccine equity

I. L. Chan,R. Mowson,J. P. Alonso,J. Roberti,M. Contreras and M. Velandia-González. Promoting immunization equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case studies, lessons learned, and their implication for COVID-19 vaccine equity. Vaccine. 2022;40(13):

Promoting immunization equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: Case studies, lessons learned, and their implication for COVID-19 vaccine equity Ver más »

The Development of a New International Generic Measure (EQ Health and Wellbeing): Face Validity and Psychometric Stages in Argentina

F. Augustovski,F. Argento,R. B. Rodríguez,L. Gibbons,C. Mukuria and M. Belizán. The Development of a New International Generic Measure (EQ Health and Wellbeing): Face Validity and Psychometric Stages in Argentina. Value in Health. 2022:

The Development of a New International Generic Measure (EQ Health and Wellbeing): Face Validity and Psychometric Stages in Argentina Ver más »

Generation, Selection, and Face Validation of Items for a New Generic Measure of Quality of Life: The EQ Health and Wellbeing

J. Carlton,T. Peasgood,C. Mukuria,J. Connell,J. Brazier,K. Ludwig,O. Marten,S. Kreimeier,L. Engel,M. Belizán,Z. Yang,A. Monteiro,M. Kuharic,N. Luo,B. Mulhern,W. Greiner,S. Pickard and F. Augustovski. Generation, Selection, and Face Validation of Items for a New Generic Measure of Quality of Life: The EQ Health and Wellbeing. Value in Health. 2022:

Generation, Selection, and Face Validation of Items for a New Generic Measure of Quality of Life: The EQ Health and Wellbeing Ver más »

Implementing strategies at the workplace level to increase colorectal cancer screening uptake in Argentina: a controlled interrupted time-series study.

Bardach AE, Pichón Riviére A, Gibbons L, Alonso JP, Virgilio SA, Belizán M, et al. Implementing strategies at the workplace level to increase colorectal cancer screening uptake in Argentina: a controlled interrupted time-series study.. Cancer Prevention Research. 2022:canprevres.0465.2021. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-21-0465.

Implementing strategies at the workplace level to increase colorectal cancer screening uptake in Argentina: a controlled interrupted time-series study. Ver más »

Developing a New Generic Health and Wellbeing Measure: Psychometric Survey Results for the EQ Health and Wellbeing

T. Peasgood,C. Mukuria,J. Brazier,O. Marten,S. Kreimeier,N. Luo,B. Mulhern,W. Greiner,A. S. Pickard,F. Augustovski,L. Engel,L. Gibbons,Z. Yang,A. L. Monteiro,M. Kuharic,M. Belizan and J. Bjørner. Developing a New Generic Health and Wellbeing Measure: Psychometric Survey Results for the EQ Health and Wellbeing. Value in Health. 2022:

Developing a New Generic Health and Wellbeing Measure: Psychometric Survey Results for the EQ Health and Wellbeing Ver más »