Publicaciones Científicas

Institutionalizing quality within national health systems: key ingredients for success

S. Kandasami,S. B. Syed,A. Edward,S. Sodzi-Tettey,E. Garcia-Elorrio,N. Mensah Abrampah and P. M. Hansen. Institutionalizing quality within national health systems: key ingredients for success. Int J Qual Health Care. 2019;31(9):10.1093/intqhc/mzz116.

Institutionalizing quality within national health systems: key ingredients for success Ver más »

Iniciativas de promoción de la salud destinadas a adultos jóvenes. Estudio cualitativo: Promoção da saúde e jovens

D. Moyano,N. Elorriaga,Y. Duque-Villa,M. C. Antún,V. González,M. Belizán and V. Irazola. Iniciativas de promoción de la salud destinadas a adultos jóvenes. Estudio cualitativo: Promoção da saúde e jovens. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Córdoba. 2022;79(2):10.31053/1853.0605.v79.n2.32512.

Iniciativas de promoción de la salud destinadas a adultos jóvenes. Estudio cualitativo: Promoção da saúde e jovens Ver más »

Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya

K. Tumlinson,L. E. Britton,C. R. Williams,D. M. Wambua and D. O. Onyango. Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2021;29(1):10.1080/26410397.2021.1970958.

Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya Ver más »

Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study

F. Rubinstein,P. Micone,A. Bonotti,V. Wainer,A. Schwarcz,F. Augustovski,A. Pichon Riviere and A. Karolinski. Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study. Bmj. 2013;346:10.1136/bmj.f393.

Influenza A/H1N1 MF59 adjuvanted vaccine in pregnant women and adverse perinatal outcomes: multicentre study Ver más »

Influence of water activity and temperature on growth and production of trichothecenes by Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto and related species in maize grains

M. M. E. Belizán,A. L. A. Gomez,Z. P. Terán Baptista,C. M. Jimenez,M. D. H. Sánchez Matías,C. A. N. Catalán and D. A. Sampietro. Influence of water activity and temperature on growth and production of trichothecenes by Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto and related species in maize grains. Int J Food Microbiol. 2019;305:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2019.108242.

Influence of water activity and temperature on growth and production of trichothecenes by Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto and related species in maize grains Ver más »

Influence of food patterns on endothelial biomarkers: a systematic review

M. D. Defagó,N. Elorriaga,V. E. Irazola and A. L. Rubinstein. Influence of food patterns on endothelial biomarkers: a systematic review. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014;16(12):10.1111/jch.12431.

Influence of food patterns on endothelial biomarkers: a systematic review Ver más »

Inequities in hospitalisation in a South European country: Lessons learned from the last European recession

R. Sánchez-Recio,J. P. Alonso,A. Gil-Lacruz and I. Aguilar-Palacio. Inequities in hospitalisation in a South European country: Lessons learned from the last European recession. Health Soc Care Community. 2021:10.1111/hsc.13524.

Inequities in hospitalisation in a South European country: Lessons learned from the last European recession Ver más »

Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018

A. Hernández-Vasquéz,C. Rojas-Roque,D. Marques Sales,M. Santero,G. Bendezu-Quispe,T. Barrientos-Gutiérrez and J. J. Miranda. Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018. Int J Equity Health. 2021;20(1):10.1186/s12939-021-01466-7.

Inequalities in access to safe drinking water in Peruvian households according to city size: an analysis from 2008 to 2018 Ver más »

Indomethacin for intracranial hypertension secondary to severe traumatic brain injury in adults

C. Martín-Saborido,J. López-Alcalde,A. Ciapponi,C. E. Sánchez Martín,E. Garcia Garcia,G. Escobar Aguilar,M. C. Palermo and F. G. Baccaro. Indomethacin for intracranial hypertension secondary to severe traumatic brain injury in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;2019(11):10.1002/14651858.CD011725.pub2.

Indomethacin for intracranial hypertension secondary to severe traumatic brain injury in adults Ver más »

Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes related with neurological events after liver transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients

F. Piñero,Y. Cheang,M. Mendizabal,J. Cagliani,A. Gonzalez Campaña,J. Pages,C. Colaci,M. Barreiro,C. Alonso,I. Malla,M. Fauda,J. Bueri,L. G. Podesta and M. Silva. Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes related with neurological events after liver transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 2018;22(3):10.1111/petr.13159.

Incidence, risk factors, and outcomes related with neurological events after liver transplantation in adult and pediatric recipients Ver más »