Salud de la Madre y el Niño

Measuring What Works: An Impact Evaluation of Women’s Groups on Maternal Health Uptake in Rural Nepal

S. Sharma,E. Teijlingen,J. M. Belizán,V. Hundley,P. Simkhada and E. Sicuri. Measuring What Works: An Impact Evaluation of Women’s Groups on Maternal Health Uptake in Rural Nepal. PLoS One. 2016;11(5):10.1371/journal.pone.0155144.

Measuring What Works: An Impact Evaluation of Women’s Groups on Maternal Health Uptake in Rural Nepal Ver más »

Measurement of Head Circumference: Implications for Microcephaly Surveillance in Zika-Affected Areas

E. W. Harville,V. T. Tong,S. M. Gilboa,C. A. Moore,M. L. Cafferata,J. Alger,L. Gibbons,C. Bustillo,A. Callejas,M. Castillo,J. Fúnes,J. García,G. Hernández,W. López,C. Ochoa,F. Rico,H. Rodríguez,C. Zúniga,A. Ciganda,C. Stella,G. Tomasso and P. Buekens. Measurement of Head Circumference: Implications for Microcephaly Surveillance in Zika-Affected Areas. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020;6(1):10.3390/tropicalmed6010005.

Measurement of Head Circumference: Implications for Microcephaly Surveillance in Zika-Affected Areas Ver más »

Measurement error, microcephaly prevalence and implications for Zika: an analysis of Uruguay perinatal data

E. W. Harville,P. M. Buekens,M. L. Cafferata,S. Gilboa,G. Tomasso and V. Tong. Measurement error, microcephaly prevalence and implications for Zika: an analysis of Uruguay perinatal data. Arch Dis Child. 2020;105(5):10.1136/archdischild-2019-317678.

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Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya

K. Tumlinson,L. E. Britton,C. R. Williams,D. M. Wambua and D. O. Onyango. Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2021;29(1):10.1080/26410397.2021.1970958.

Informal payments for family planning: prevalence and perspectives of women, providers, and health sector key informants in western Kenya Ver más »

Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study

A. Manu,V. Pingray,S. M. Billah,J. Williams,S. Kilima,F. Yeji,F. Gohar,P. Wobil,F. Karim,P. Muganyizi,D. Mogela,S. El Arifeen,M. Vandenent,Z. Matin,I. Janda,N. Zaka and T. D. Hailegebriel. Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study. BMJ

Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study Ver más »

Implementation of evidence-based antenatal care in Mozambique: a cluster randomized controlled trial: study protocol

L. Chavane,M. Merialdi,A. P. Betrán,J. Requejo-Harris,E. Bergel,A. Aleman,M. Colomar,M. L. Cafferata,A. Carbonell,B. Crahay,T. Delvaux,D. Geelhoed,M. Gülmezoglu,C. R. Malapende,A. Melo,M. H. Nguyen,N. B. Osman,M. Widmer,M. Temmerman and F. Althabe. Implementation of evidence-based antenatal care in Mozambique: a cluster randomized controlled trial: study protocol. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014;14:10.1186/1472-6963-14-228.

Implementation of evidence-based antenatal care in Mozambique: a cluster randomized controlled trial: study protocol Ver más »

Impact of water fortification with calcium on calcium intake in different countries: a simulation study

G. Cormick,L. Gibbons and J. M. Belizan. Impact of water fortification with calcium on calcium intake in different countries: a simulation study. Public Health Nutrition. 2022;25(2):10.1017/s1368980020002232.

Impact of water fortification with calcium on calcium intake in different countries: a simulation study Ver más »

Impact of flour fortification with calcium on calcium intake: a simulation study in seven countries

G. Cormick,A. P. Betran,I. B. Romero,M. N. García-Casal,S. M. Perez,L. Gibbons and J. M. Belizán. Impact of flour fortification with calcium on calcium intake: a simulation study in seven countries. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2021;1493(1):10.1111/nyas.14550.

Impact of flour fortification with calcium on calcium intake: a simulation study in seven countries Ver más »