Using Prenatal Blood Samples to Evaluate COVID-19 Rapid Serologic Tests Specificity

J. Alger,M. L. Cafferata,T. Alvarado,A. Ciganda,A. Corrales,H. Desale,A. Drouin,D. Fusco,J. Garcia,L. Gibbons,E. Harville,W. Lopez,I. Lorenzana,F. Muñoz-Lara,E. Palou,E. Retes,M. Sierra,C. Stella,X. Xiong,L. I. Zambrano and P. Buekens. Using Prenatal Blood Samples to Evaluate COVID-19 Rapid Serologic Tests Specificity. Matern Child Health J. 2020;24(9):10.1007/s10995-020-02981-9.