Efficacy and safety of triptorelin 6-month formulation in patients with central precocious puberty

K. Klein,J. Yang,J. Aisenberg,N. Wright,P. Kaplowitz,N. Lahlou,J. Linares,E. Lundström,D. Purcea and F. Cassorla. Efficacy and safety of triptorelin 6-month formulation in patients with central precocious puberty. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2016;29(11):10.1515/jpem-2015-0376.

Efficacy and safety of triptorelin 6-month formulation in patients with central precocious puberty Ver más »

Effects of the copper intrauterine device versus injectable progestin contraception on pregnancy rates and method discontinuation among women attending termination of pregnancy services in South Africa: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

G. J. Hofmeyr,M. Singata-Madliki,T. A. Lawrie,E. Bergel and M. Temmerman. Effects of the copper intrauterine device versus injectable progestin contraception on pregnancy rates and method discontinuation among women attending termination of pregnancy services in South Africa: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Reproductive Health. 2016;13:10.1186/s12978-016-0153-9.

Effects of the copper intrauterine device versus injectable progestin contraception on pregnancy rates and method discontinuation among women attending termination of pregnancy services in South Africa: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial Ver más »

Financial impact of smoking on health systems in Latin America: A study of seven countries and extrapolation to the regional level

A. Pichon-Riviere,A. Bardach,F. Augustovski,A. Alcaraz,L. M. Reynales-Shigematsu,M. T. Pinto,M. Castillo-Riquelme,E. P. Torres,D. I. Osorio,L. Huayanay,C. L. Munarriz,B. S. de Miera-Juárez,V. Gallegos-Rivero,C. Puente,M. D. Navia-Bueno and J. Caporale. [Financial impact of smoking on health systems in Latin America: A study of seven countries and extrapolation to the regional level]. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2016;40(4).

Financial impact of smoking on health systems in Latin America: A study of seven countries and extrapolation to the regional level Ver más »

Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru

A. E. Bardach,J. E. Caporale,A. Alcaraz,F. Augustovski,L. Huayanay-Falconí,C. Loza-Munarriz,A. Hernández-Vásquez and A. Pichon-Riviere. [Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru]. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2016;33(4):10.17843/rpmesp.2016.334.2548.

Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru Ver más »

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes

A. Alcaraz,J. Caporale,A. Bardach,F. Augustovski and A. Pichon-Riviere. [Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes]. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2016;40(4).

Burden of disease attributable to tobacco use in Argentina and potential impact of price increases through taxes Ver más »

A Value Framework for the Assessment of Diagnostic Technologies: A Proposal Based on a Targeted Systematic Review and a Multi-Stakeholder Deliberative Process in Latin America

F. Augustovski,V. Alfie,A. Alcaraz,S. García Martí,M. F. Drummond and A. Pichon-Riviere. A Value Framework for the Assessment of Diagnostic Technologies: A Proposal Based on a Targeted Systematic Review and a Multistakeholder Deliberative Process in Latin America. Value Health. 2021;24(4):10.1016/j.jval.2020.11.008.

A Value Framework for the Assessment of Diagnostic Technologies: A Proposal Based on a Targeted Systematic Review and a Multi-Stakeholder Deliberative Process in Latin America Ver más »