Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study

A. Manu,V. Pingray,S. M. Billah,J. Williams,S. Kilima,F. Yeji,F. Gohar,P. Wobil,F. Karim,P. Muganyizi,D. Mogela,S. El Arifeen,M. Vandenent,Z. Matin,I. Janda,N. Zaka and T. D. Hailegebriel. Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study. BMJ […]

Implementing maternal and newborn health quality of care standards in healthcare facilities to improve the adoption of respectful maternity care in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania: a controlled before and after study Ver más »

Impact of the multiplex molecular FilmArray Respiratory Panel on antibiotic prescription and clinical management of immunocompromised adults with suspected acute respiratory tract infections: A retrospective before–after study

S. Bergese,B. Fox,N. García-Allende,M. E. Elisiri,A. E. Schneider,J. Ruiz,S. Gonzalez-Fraga,V. Rodriguez and L. Fernandez-Canigia. Impact of the multiplex molecular FilmArray Respiratory Panel on antibiotic prescription and clinical management of immunocompromised adults with suspected acute respiratory tract infections: A retrospective before–after study. Revista Argentina de Microbiología. 2023:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ram.2023.03.001.

Impact of the multiplex molecular FilmArray Respiratory Panel on antibiotic prescription and clinical management of immunocompromised adults with suspected acute respiratory tract infections: A retrospective before–after study Ver más »

Governance and management in healthcare organizations: their different roles in driving safety and quality

A. M. Malikand E. Garcia Elorrio. Governance and management in healthcare organizations: their different roles in driving safety and quality. Int J Qual Health Care. 2023;35(3):10.1093/intqhc/mzad046.

Governance and management in healthcare organizations: their different roles in driving safety and quality Ver más »

Global Effect of Modifiable Risk Factors on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality

C. Magnussen,F. M. Ojeda,D. P. Leong,J. Alegre-Diaz,P. Amouyel,L. Aviles-Santa,D. De Bacquer,C. M. Ballantyne,A. Bernabé-Ortiz,M. Bobak,H. Brenner,R. M. Carrillo-Larco,J. de Lemos,A. Dobson,M. Dörr,C. Donfrancesco,W. Drygas,R. P. Dullaart,G. Engström,M. M. Ferrario,J. Ferrières,G. de Gaetano,U. Goldbourt,C. Gonzalez,G. Grassi,A. M. Hodge,K. Hveem,L. Iacoviello,M. K. Ikram,V. Irazola,M. Jobe,P. Jousilahti,P. Kaleebu,M. Kavousi,F. Kee,D. Khalili,W. Koenig,A. Kontsevaya,K. Kuulasmaa,K. J. Lackner,D. M. Leistner,L.

Global Effect of Modifiable Risk Factors on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality Ver más »

Effectiveness of peer mentoring and self-monitoring to improve blood pressure control in a vulnerable population in Argentina: Pragmatic randomized open-label controlled trial

A. Nejamis,M. Chaparro,L. Gibbons,R. Poggio,D. L. Moyano and V. Irazola. Effectiveness of peer mentoring and self-monitoring to improve blood pressure control in a vulnerable population in Argentina: Pragmatic randomized open-label controlled trial. Chronic Illness. 2023;0(0):10.1177/17423953231187170.

Effectiveness of peer mentoring and self-monitoring to improve blood pressure control in a vulnerable population in Argentina: Pragmatic randomized open-label controlled trial Ver más »

Desarrollo y validación de un atlas fotográfico digital de alimentos argentinos

G. Mangialavori,M. V. López,S. Defusto,C. B. Panaggio,Y. Bobadilla,L. Gómez,F. Gimenez,S. Sandonato,G. Areces and N. Elorriaga. Desarrollo y validación de un atlas fotográfico digital de alimentos argentinos. Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética. 2023;27(4):10.14306/renhyd.27.4.1925.

Desarrollo y validación de un atlas fotográfico digital de alimentos argentinos Ver más »

Comparison of mortality in patients on chemotherapy or immunotherapy during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. Multicenter matched cohort study in Argentina

B. Itkin,S. Straminsky,H. Cáceres,M. Onassis,A. E. García,L. Avanzi,L. Kaminszczik,R. Serna Sejas,M. Rapaccioli,G. Billordo,D. Lavaccara,J. Lanzavecchia,L. Gibbons,E. Settecase and A. Bardach. Comparison of mortality in patients on chemotherapy or immunotherapy during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. Multicenter matched cohort study in Argentina. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública. 2023;40(2):10.17843/rpmesp.2023.402.12519.

Comparison of mortality in patients on chemotherapy or immunotherapy during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. Multicenter matched cohort study in Argentina Ver más »

Clinical leadership and coping strategies in times of COVID-19: observational study with health managers in Mendoza

E. Gil-Hernández,A. Falaschi,I. Carrillo,V. Rodríguez,M. B. Peralta Roca,E. García-Elorrio and J. J. Mira. Clinical leadership and coping strategies in times of COVID-19: observational study with health managers in Mendoza. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023;23(1):10.1186/s12913-023-09792-y.

Clinical leadership and coping strategies in times of COVID-19: observational study with health managers in Mendoza Ver más »

Calcium concentration of drinking water to improve calcium intake: A simulation study

G. Cormick,I. B. Romero,N. Matamoros,M. Sosa,M. F. GugoleOttaviano,L. Garitta,J. M. Belizán and L. Gibbons. Calcium concentration of drinking water to improve calcium intake: A simulation study. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2023;1524(1):10.1111/nyas.14986.

Calcium concentration of drinking water to improve calcium intake: A simulation study Ver más »