Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias

False-negative results of initial RT-PCR assays for COVID-19: A systematic review.

I. Arevalo-Rodriguez,D. Buitrago-Garcia,D. Simancas-Racines,P. Zambrano-Achig,R. Del Campo,A. Ciapponi,O. Sued,L. Martinez-García,A. W. Rutjes,N. Low,P. M. Bossuyt,J. A. Perez-Molina and J. Zamora. False-negative results of initial RT-PCR assays for COVID-19: A systematic review. PLoS One. 2020;15(12):10.1371/journal.pone.0242958.

False-negative results of initial RT-PCR assays for COVID-19: A systematic review. Ver más »

Progestogens para la prevención de la hormona luteinizante (LH) en mujeres que sufren hiperestimulación ovárica controlada como parte de un ciclo de tecnología reproductiva asistida (ART). Base de datos Cochrane de análisis sistemático 2020 (12)

Glujovsky D, Pesce R, Miguens M, Sueldo C, Ciapponi A. Progestogens for prevention of luteinising hormone (LH) surge in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation as part of an assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycle. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD013827. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013827

Progestogens para la prevención de la hormona luteinizante (LH) en mujeres que sufren hiperestimulación ovárica controlada como parte de un ciclo de tecnología reproductiva asistida (ART). Base de datos Cochrane de análisis sistemático 2020 (12) Ver más »

How effective are the non-conventional ovarian stimulation protocols in ART? A systematic review and meta-analysis

D. Glujovsky,R. Pesce,M. Miguens,C. E. Sueldo,K. Lattes and A. Ciapponi. How effective are the non-conventional ovarian stimulation protocols in ART? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020;37(12):10.1007/s10815-020-01966-5.

How effective are the non-conventional ovarian stimulation protocols in ART? A systematic review and meta-analysis Ver más »

Worldwide Original Research Production on Maternal Near-Miss: A 10-year Bibliometric Study

A. Hernández-Vásquez,G. Bendezu-Quispe,D. Comandé and O. Gonzales-Carillo. Worldwide Original Research Production on Maternal Near-Miss: A 10-year Bibliometric Study. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2020;42(10):10.1055/s-0040-1715136.

Worldwide Original Research Production on Maternal Near-Miss: A 10-year Bibliometric Study Ver más »

Peruvian Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L: A Direct Comparison of Time Trade-Off and Discrete Choice Experiments

F. Augustovski,M. Belizán,L. Gibbons,N. Reyes,E. Stolk,B. M. Craig and R. A. Tejada. Peruvian Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L: A Direct Comparison of Time Trade-Off and Discrete Choice Experiments. Value Health. 2020;23(7):10.1016/j.jval.2020.05.004.

Peruvian Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L: A Direct Comparison of Time Trade-Off and Discrete Choice Experiments Ver más »

The health and economic burden of smoking in 12 Latin American countries and the potential effect of increasing tobacco taxes: an economic modelling study

A. Pichon-Riviere,A. Alcaraz,A. Palacios,B. Rodríguez,L. M. Reynales-Shigematsu,M. Pinto,M. Castillo-Riquelme,E. Peña Torres,D. I. Osorio,L. Huayanay,C. Loza Munarriz,B. S. de Miera-Juárez,V. Gallegos-Rivero,C. De La Puente,M. Del Pilar Navia-Bueno,J. Caporale,J. Roberti,S. A. Virgilio,F. Augustovski and A. Bardach. The health and economic burden of smoking in 12 Latin American countries and the potential effect of increasing tobacco taxes: an

The health and economic burden of smoking in 12 Latin American countries and the potential effect of increasing tobacco taxes: an economic modelling study Ver más »

Pruebas de laboratorio para el diagnóstico del virus Zika congénito en fetos y neonatos.

Ciapponi A, Matthews S, Cafferata ML, Comandé D, Gibbons L, Núñez-González S, Buekens P, Arevalo-Rodriguez I. Laboratory tests for diagnosis of congenital Zika virus in fetuses and neonates. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Jul 13;2020(7):CD013676. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013676. PMCID: PMC7388849.

Pruebas de laboratorio para el diagnóstico del virus Zika congénito en fetos y neonatos. Ver más »

Fixed vs adjusted-dose benznidazole for adults with chronic Chagas disease without cardiomyopathy A systematic review and meta-analysis.

A. Ciapponi,F. Barreira,L. Perelli,A. Bardach,J. Gascón,I. Molina,C. Morillo,N. Prado,A. Riarte,F. Torrico,I. Ribeiro,J. C. Villar and S. Sosa-Estani. Fixed vs adjusted-dose benznidazole for adults with chronic Chagas disease without cardiomyopathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2020;14(8):10.1371/journal.pntd.0008529.

Fixed vs adjusted-dose benznidazole for adults with chronic Chagas disease without cardiomyopathy A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ver más »

Health burden and economic costs of smoking in Chile: The potential impact of increasing cigarettes prices. 

M. Castillo-Riquelme,A. Bardach,A. Palacios and A. Pichón-Riviere. Health burden and economic costs of smoking in Chile: The potential impact of increasing cigarettes prices. PLoS One. 2020;15(8):10.1371/journal.pone.0237967.

Health burden and economic costs of smoking in Chile: The potential impact of increasing cigarettes prices.  Ver más »

Need and inequality in the use of health care services in a fragmented and decentralized health system: evidence for Argentina

A. Palacios,N. Espinola and C. Rojas-Roque. Need and inequality in the use of health care services in a fragmented and decentralized health system: evidence for Argentina. Int J Equity Health. 2020;19(1):10.1186/s12939-020-01168-6.

Need and inequality in the use of health care services in a fragmented and decentralized health system: evidence for Argentina Ver más »