Patient-centered mobile tuberculosis treatment support tools (TB-TSTs) to improve treatment adherence: A pilot randomized controlled trial exploring feasibility, acceptability and refinement needs

S. J. Iribarren,H. Milligan,C. Chirico,K. Goodwin,R. Schnall,H. Telles,A. Iannizzotto,M. Sanjurjo,B. R. Lutz,K. Pike,F. Rubinstein,M. Rhodehamel,D. Leon,J. Keyes and G. Demiris. Patient-centered mobile tuberculosis treatment support tools (TB-TSTs) to improve treatment adherence: A pilot randomized controlled trial exploring feasibility, acceptability and refinement needs. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2022;13:10.1016/j.lana.2022.100291.